It all started with a radical idea...

Aging is a choice. When the media tells women what they can and can’t do at a certain age…I’m over here telling mid-life women that they can be the most radiant version of themselves during ANY chapter of their lives. 

and yes, that definitely includes you.

You’re looking for answers. Motherhood has made your body feel sluggish and it's frustrating

You’ve probably tried workout programs from people who say they ‘get it’...but you’re still looking in the mirror and not loving what you see. 

Good thing I’m also a mid-life woman! And let me just say, there is a way to feel more energetic, confident, and sexy with age. 

I can’t wait to show you! You’ll never want to go back to the old way.

Your strongest self is inches away. 

I’m so glad you found my corner of the Internet today. 
Because I understand what you’re going through. 

Over here, it's all about:

Feeling Incredible

Wellness. What does that mean to you? To me, it means living life to the fullest with the people who light you up. It means loving your body and having the confidence to do what you want. You can achieve total wellness at any age through movement, food, travel, self-care, mindset, and lifestyle choices. 

Ditching the Narrative 

Someone somewhere decided that all women just need to do what 20-year olds are doing, and they’ll have an awesome body. You can have an incredible body, but your workouts aren’t the same. With stubborn belly fat, hormonal imbalances, and a slew of changes – you need custom workouts that’ll help you defy the aging process. 

Doing What Works

You will never find a fad diet over here. I did not get my body with ridiculous trends and crazy eating patterns. Everything is science-based and results-driven. I may not be a dietician, but man, do I love that look on your face when you see results. That’s why I’ll show you what I eat and give you workout programs that straight-up work. 

about your coach

Hey there! I'm Barb.

An AFPA Functional Sports Trainer, Macro Coach, State Record holder Powerlifter, mother of 4 boys, and I struggle with hypothyroidism. I’m also an anti-ager, meaning I believe you can feel healthier , with full VITALITY as the years go by. 

I’ve been working out since I was 17 years old and studying nutrition for the past 35 years. But it hasn’t always been smooth sailing for my fitness journey. I’ve gained and lost 40 pounds 4 times in 7 years – hello, motherhood. I put my own health and wellness on the back-burner for a decade while taking care of my children. I felt confused, lonely, and unprepared for how my body was changing. 

And if you feel that way, just know that you’re not alone. 

At age 47, around the time of perimenopause, I took control of my health. I committed to the gym and transformed my body. 

I know what it takes to get your body to a place where you feel strong, sexy, and radiant. 

I know how to make fitness work for your lifestyle - so you don’t have to become a gym rat and give up dessert for life.
I know how to help you get your groove back.

Because this can be the healthiest and strongest period of your life.

I want you to get your groove back.

I want you look in the mirror and feel sexier as each year passes by. I want you to navigate your life feeling fit, strong, and healthy. Even if it feels impossible right now, your best body is so close.

Let's go meet her.

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