Your Journey to Menopause Wellness Starts Here

let's defy the aging process

By giving you actionable health advice, you can ditch the woes of mid-life and feel stronger each year. Through food, fitness, mindset, and lifestyle — you can step into a version of yourself that makes you do a double-take and say, ‘wait, that’s me?!’ 

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It's never too late to get the body you want.

Stubborn belly fat. Low energy. Hormonal imbalances. Decreasing confidence. It’s easy to think that these things are just a normal part of growing up and heading into menopause. And society does not do a good job of showing women like you how to defy the aging process and feel sexy, energized, confident, and fit in mid-life.

I’m here to tell you that society needs to step back because you can be your healthiest self… right now. And it all starts with wellness that is customized for your body. 

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What do you need to do to start losing belly fat?

Let’s just say you’re finally going to feel like a fabulous figure is well within reach for you.

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Let's Team Up

I knew I already liked you. Let’s get you set up with a program that perfectly fits your needs. 

Custom Coaching

By committing to coaching with Barb Hawken Wellness, you can discover what’s holding you back so that you can step into your strongest and sexiest self. Very high touch custom coaching. This program is designed only for you-around your lifestyle. 

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meet your

Wellness Coach

Hi, I’m Barb. Fitness Coach. Avid Traveler. Anti-Ager. Those are just a few words you can use to describe me. I’ve been working out for a while now, but my big ‘aha’ moment came to me recently…

As women age, they are given the same advice as everyone else and feel frustrated as heck when they don’t get results. 

So I took it as my calling to help women going through early mid-life, roughly age 35 through they're 50's to go on a fitness journey that puts their 20's body to shame. Yes, even if you’ve had children. Yes, even if that belly fat is super stubborn. And yes, even if your hormones are out of whack. 

You deserve to feel radiant, have vitality and I know exactly what it takes to get you there. Are you in?

count me in

Client results

"I feel great and am happy with my progress.

Also i'm finally learning to eat the right foods on your program."

martha, age 62

" I’ve never been so comfortable in my skin

I’ve never been so comfortable in my skin as I have after working with Barb. She’s taught me so much about eating and staying healthy as a woman over 40."

Kristin, age 44

"I'm so thankful I found Barb!

Ms Barb is the best trainer there is.. she has helped me so much on my fitness journey. Never giving up on me. I looked around for a long time for a coach for women my age. I’m so thankful I found her."

carey, age 53

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Get ready to feel like your best self in menopause!

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I want you to get your groove back.

I want you look in the mirror and feel sexier as each year passes by. I want you to navigate life feeling fit, strong, and healthy. Even if it feels impossible right now, your best body is so close.

Let's go meet her.

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