Frequently Asked Questions

What equipment is needed for my fitness journey with your program?

Home PROGRAM requires:
Dumbbells of varying weights, mini bands, bodyweight. Optional: Swiss Ball, longer bands.

GYM option requires: Full gym. Barbell is optional. dB's and bands.

Please note for the HOME program option,  you may need to purchase (2) 2.5 gallons of water OR a 20lb bag of rice. As you get stronger, you will be want to increase your weights. ( this varies for the individual, best to wait and see.)

This is an inexpensive way of having 20-40 pounds on hand. Hip thrusts and Farmer Carries require heavier weights. You will get STRONGER

How do I know if the class times fit my schedule?

That’s the beauty of my programs! The videos are pre-recorded and conveniently accessible on-demand. You choose the time that works best for you.

Is your content available offline?

1:1 Custom Coaching And All of the Slim Strength programs are delivered via an App. While exercise descriptions and nutrition guides are printable, my videos cannot be extracted from the app.

The 7 DAY SHRED is an evergreen program. You have full access for the lifetime of the program. Purchase once and use over and over again.

Do the workouts remain accessible once the program has ended?

Custom Coaching and all in app programs are delivered via an App. You have full access to them while your membership is active. You may print out the descriptions of the workouts to save for later.

The 7 DAY SHRED is accessible after you purchase it. Download it and keep it forever.

I am new to working out. Which program is the best fit for me?

1:1 Custom Coaching is for ALL fitness levels, since it's programmed just for you. This will help to build your endurance and confidence in your body’s ability to do the work.

You can expect 40-60 minute workouts for 5 days per week that not only produce results but also helps you to learn proper techniques. HOME OR GYM options. 

1:1 Custom Coaching  is for the high-achieving women who expects a high-touch service and the fastest results. . Training, macros, chat with Barb and video feedback is all included. HOME OR GYM

How many programs do you offer?

Three programs are currently available.

SLIM STRENGTH- A recurring membership geared towards all fitness levels. You receive 5 workouts a week. Home or gym options. Can cancel easily at anytime before the next 4-week session. Great for the gal that is a self- motivator but needs a fitness routine designed for women.

1:1 Private Coaching  - is for the high-achieving women who expects a high-touch service and the fastest results.  A truly high level coaching package. Includes training, macros, chat with Barb and video feedback. Voxer voice messaging. Plus weekly and monthly check-ins. Onboarding call with Barb and "check-in" calls with Barb every 4- weeks. 16 -24 week commitment is required. 

Three different tracks based on how closely you would like to work with Barb. From one time a day training to 2-a-day training with 7 day access to Barb via Voxer.

The 7 DAY SHRED is always available. See website

What can I expect to pay?

SLIM STRENGTH is normally $99- per 4 weeks but you can save $50- per 4-weeks of continuous membership for a limited time. Pay just $49- per 4 weeks for the entirety of your training. **You'll never be charged more than $49- per 4-weeks of continuous use. This is a recurring membership

1:1 Private Coaching. All of our plans are totally customized for you. Let's hop on a call to see if we are the perfect fit. You have serious goals and you deserve a very high-touch service with Barb.  Please see Coaching page for Diamond, Platinum and Gold coaching packages.

Do you run specials?

Yes, absolutely! Specials are offered throughout the year. Be sure to sign up BELOW for my mailing list to ensure that you don’t miss out on a deal! And follow Instagram STORIES as Barb will run specials on there too-  @barb.hawken.

What can I expect?

1:1 Custom Coaching is designed to meet you right where you are and help you knock out your fitness goals! You can expect the following:

- 5 days worth of workouts per week- 
- ON-demand video access via our custom app. including video feedback from Barb- daily.
- Insight on how to lose body fat without losing precious muscle
- How-to exercise techniques demonstrated by Coach Barb to ensure proper form and avoid strain or injury
- Excuse elimination due to the daily motivation and access to Barb
- A stronger, leaner body!

Do you offer a Meal Plan?

I offer Macro coaching, not a meal plan- except in rare cases. However, I help you with planning your meals. Ensuring you track your protein within your calories set for you.

Still have questions?

Please contact us at