Sign up for Shred and start feeling stronger and sexier in just 7 days

1 Week. Wild Results. 

get shredded

It’s time for a quick win

Getting fit takes time. Losing weight is a slow process. Feeling healthier is a lifestyle, you can’t rush it. 

I’m going to have to veto that. 

Yes, committing to health long-term is beneficial. But when you’ve been struggling with tiredness, stubborn belly fat, and low confidence for a long time – you need a win. A quick one. Then you can launch into the lifestyle you want.

Shred will kickstart your fitness journey, so you finally believe that yes, you got this. 

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7 days have never felt so strong

All I’m asking for is a week. Commit to me. Follow the meal plan. Put some oomph into the workouts. And watch your body transform. 

My promise: results. Noticeable results. 

By signing up for Shred, you will: 
→ Kickstart your health journey 
→ Workout with intentional strength-building workouts (and nothing too hard) 
→ Ditch the grocery store overwhelm with a specific shopping list 
→ Follow a 7-day meal plan that’ll torch some inches right off of your waistline 
→ Peek at yourself in the mirror and think no way was that a week of progress

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Shred is all about quick results. This way, you can set yourself up for big results. 

Client Transformations

"I use my shred when I need to debloat or get ready for a beach holiday or photoshoot. It never fails me."


“I’ve been increasing my weights like you said, so I can get stronger. Still loving all of your different programs.”


"Ms Barb is the best trainer there is.. she has helped me so much on my fitness journey. Never giving up on me. I looked around for a long time for a coach for women my age. I’m so thankful I found her."


View more testimonials

How Shred Works

The Shred plan is simple for you to follow but groundbreaking in how it works. With science-based nutrition and workouts, the pounds will fall off each day – allowing you to do a complete 180 by the end of the week. 


A specific shopping list and a 7-day meal plan. These two together are gold if you want quick results. Follow it and notice better digestion, less bloat, and a flatter tummy. 


We’re workin’ this week. Put on your favorite leggings and commit to your body. You’ll be sweating, but remember… that’s just your fat crying. 


Fitness failures happen because we don’t see results. By getting quick results, your mind will love the improvement and crave more, giving you tons of momentum. 

about your coach

Barb Hawken

Hi there, I’m Barb. I created Shred because I love a quick win. As a menopausal woman myself, I haven’t seen a whole lot of valuable fitness advice for women over 40. 

So I thought to myself, how can I show women that they can feel strong, sexy, and confident…even when they’re going through menopause. 

Shred. That’s the answer. This week-long program is the kickstart you need if you don’t believe your goals are in reach. When you see your body after 7 days…well, I don’t want to ruin the surprise. 

Let’s just say you’re finally going to feel like a fabulous figure is well within reach for you. 

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If you could change how you view your body in a week, would you do it?

Commit to a week with me, and I’ll make that question a ‘yes’ every time.

Need help or have questions?
Please contact us at

With the Shred 7 day program you will receive:

The entire Shred course 
Your follow-along ebook 
A shopping list for the week 
A 7-day meal plan 
A week’s worth of workouts

get shredded

Disclaimer: Barb Hawken is not a dietician. All of the nutrition information provided is based on what Barb herself eats to see results and is not professional advice. 

Just $97-
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